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In the Timothian Model, magnetism is explained through the flow of subatomic chunks:

  1. Chunk Flows: Pressure differentials in the medium drive local flows of chunks.

  2. Counterflows: As larger chunks flow in one direction, smaller chunks create equal volumetric counterflows in the opposite direction.

  3. Magnetic Interactions: These flows and counterflows create the unique magnetic interactions we observe, such as attraction between opposite poles (N-S) and repulsion between like poles (N-N or S-S).

Extended Discussion

Traditional theories struggle to explain magnetism mechanistically, often resorting to abstract field concepts. 

The Timothian Model offers a concrete, cause-and-effect explanation:

Chunk Flows and Counterflows

  • Pressure differences in the chunk medium create directional flows of larger chunks.

  • As larger chunks flow, smaller chunks backfill in the opposite direction, creating counterflows.

  • These paired flows explain the bipolar nature of magnetism.

Magnetization Process

  • Magnetizing fixtures create rotating chunk flows in conducting coils.

  • These rotating chunks imprint directional and rotational biases in target materials.

  • Permanent magnets maintain these biases, rectifying ambient kinetic chunk movements into structured flows.

Right Hand Rule

  • The imprinted rotational bias of chunks in permanent magnets maintains the directionality predicted by the Right Hand Rule.

  • This explains the consistent behavior of magnetic fields without invoking abstract field concepts.

Magnetic Interactions

  • N-S Attraction: Opposite poles provide complementary chunk species, allowing easy flow between magnets.

  • N-N or S-S Repulsion: Like poles try to output the same chunk species, creating high pressure between magnets.

  • Interaction with Materials: Ferromagnetic materials offer lower resistance paths for chunk flows, explaining attraction to both poles.

Note: This explanation has been highly summarized.  The full Timothian Model explains each aspect in detail.


  1. This model provides a mechanistic explanation for magnetic phenomena, from the behavior of permanent magnets to electromagnetic effects, without relying on action at a distance or abstract field concepts.

  2. Magnetism interacts with other properties of the medium, such as light waves oscillating in the medium (Faraday Effect), and transfers physical spin to sensitive atomic ions caught in a magnetic flow.  It also transfers physical spin to electric current in a conductor (Hall Effect).  It does this because each of thes are medium related processes.  This is a unifying aspect of the model.

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