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Strong Force

In the Timothian Model, the strong force is essentially gravity operating at the atomic scale:

  1. Atomic Seed Displacement: The core of an atom (atomic seed) displaces the surrounding medium.

  2. Intense Local Stratification: This displacement creates strong, localized stratification of the medium around the atomic seed.

  3. Powerful Restoration Force: The stratified medium exerts an intense inward force on the atomic seed, holding it together.

Extended Discussion

Traditional theories treat the strong force as a distinct fundamental force. The Timothian Model, however, unifies it with gravity:

Atomic Scale Gravity

  • The atomic seed (core of the atom) displaces surrounding chunks, just like a planet displaces the medium on a larger scale.

  • This displacement creates intense, localized stratification of the chunk medium around the seed.

  • The resulting restoration force from the medium is extremely powerful due to the small scale and high density of the atomic seed.

Stratification Spheres

  • The displaced medium forms concentric stratification spheres around the atomic seed, similar to gravitational effects around celestial bodies.

  • These spheres consist of chunks sorted by density, with denser chunks closer to the seed.

  • The integrity of these stratification spheres must be overcome to break apart the atomic structure.

Unified Force

  • The strong force and gravity are the same phenomenon operating at different scales.

  • The principles of displacement, stratification, and restoration force apply consistently from the subatomic to the cosmic scale.

Binding Energy

  • The energy required to overcome the stratification spheres and break apart an atomic seed corresponds to the binding energy of nuclei.

  • This explains why it takes enormous energy to split atoms, as the local stratification tension is incredibly high.

Note: This explanation has been highly summarized.  The full Timothian Model explains each aspect in detail.


  1. This model unifies the strong force with gravity, simplifying our understanding of fundamental forces.

  2. It provides a mechanistic explanation for nuclear binding without requiring a separate force or exchange particles.

  3. The model naturally explains why the strong force is short-ranged, as the intense stratification occurs only in the immediate vicinity of the atomic seed.

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