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Resolving Physics' Greatest Mysteries

The Unification of Fundamental Forces

The Unification of Fundamental Forces

How can we reconcile the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear) into a single, coherent framework? Why have attempts at unification been unsuccessful so far?

The Timothian Model unifies all fundamental forces as emergent properties of chunk interactions within the ubiquitous chunk medium, eliminating the need for separate force carriers or extra dimensions.

Strong Force as Localized Gravity

Strong Force as Localized Gravity

Why is the strong nuclear force so powerful at short ranges but ineffective at larger scales? How does it overcome electromagnetic repulsion in nuclei?

The strong force emerges from intense local chunk displacement by atomic seeds, creating powerful stratification tensions analogous to gravity at subatomic scales.

The Origin of Mass

The Origin of Mass

Why do particles have the masses they do? What is the origin of mass?

Mass aggregates from the individual pieces of the medium, itself having mass, into larger atomic and molecular bodies.

Radioactive Decay

Radioactive Decay

What triggers a specific atom to decay at a particular moment?

Smaller matter leaks out of the atomic system until it destabilizes, causing remaining matter to shift.

Gravity and Curved Spacetime

Gravity and Curved Spacetime

What is the nature of spacetime, and how does it curve? Why can't we unify gravity with other forces?

Space is filled with subatomic matter that self-sorts by density when displaced, giving space a physical gradient in the presence of large bodies.

Black Holes and Singularities

Black Holes and Singularities

What happens at the center of a black hole? How can information be preserved?

Atoms are crushed and sorted by density of their constituents. More mass fits due to removed structures.

Magnetic Dipoles

Magnetic Dipoles

How can magnetic dipoles create a magnetic field?

Magnetic materials work cumulatively to create organized subatomic flows without dipoles. No fundamental dipoles at the atomic level.

Wave-Particle Duality and the Double-Slit Experiment

Wave-Particle Duality and the Double-Slit Experiment

How can particles behave like waves and vice versa? What causes the interference pattern in the double-slit experiment?

Pieces of matter in the medium move collectively to propagate waves & interact kinetically on contact with objects.

The Strong Nuclear Force

The Strong Nuclear Force

Why is the strong force so powerful at short ranges but ineffective at larger scales?

An atom's local displacement of the medium encounters an equal and opposite restoration force from the local medium. The displacement and restoration tension is more diffuse with distance and growing volume.

Quantum Field Theory and Virtual Particles

Quantum Field Theory and Virtual Particles

What is the physical reality of quantum fields and virtual particles?

Varying density pieces of subatomic matter are ubiquitous throughout the universe. Gravitational fields are medium stratifications, magnetic fields are local medium flows, and larger masses are aggregate combinations of the medium's constituents.

Quantum Measurement Problem

Quantum Measurement Problem

How does measurement collapse the wave function? What constitutes a measurement?

Touching configurations of the medium with mass changes configurations of a medium also having mass.

The Uncertainty Principle

The Uncertainty Principle

Why does measuring one property inevitably disturb another? Is this a fundamental limit or a result of measurement?

Interacting with properties like position and momentum changes local pressures and medium configurations at a subatomic scale. Deterministic.

Matter and the Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry

Matter and the Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry

Why is there so much more matter than antimatter in the observable universe? What is the fundamental nature of matter?

There is no 'antimatter'. Subatomic pieces of matter constitute the matter of the medium. They can aggregate to form atomic matter - and disaggregate back to move freely as part of the medium.

The Nature of Consciousness

The Nature of Consciousness

How does consciousness arise from physical processes? Does it play a role in quantum mechanics?

Consciousness arises from complex configurations and interactions of the medium's constituents.

The Speed of Gravity

The Speed of Gravity

How can gravity act seemingly instantaneously across the solar system to maintain stable orbits?

Gravity is the equal and opposite reaction to medium displacement by atoms. Bodies bidirectionally interact with the medium, both changing medium stratifications for all local bodies and moving toward their own buoyant point in the medium.

The Michelson-Morley Experiment

The Michelson-Morley Experiment

Why didn't the experiment detect the Earth's motion through space? How does light propagate without a medium?

The medium is non-uniform, non-stationary, and interacts directly with larger masses. The Sun rotates the medium which rotates the Earth, so the Earth and Medium are in synchronous movement. Light requires a medium.

Schrödinger's Cat

Schrödinger's Cat

The Mystery: How can a macroscopic object be in a superposition of states? What constitutes a measurement?

The cat is always in a definite state. "Measuring", or opening the box to observe, is simply an interaction with a subset of the chunk medium.

Gravity as Displacement and Buoyancy

Gravity as Displacement and Buoyancy

How does gravity work at both atomic and cosmic scales? Why has quantum gravity been so elusive?

Gravity emerges from chunk displacement and stratification, with bodies finding equilibrium at their buoyant points in the stratified chunk medium.

Weak Force as Pressure-Driven Particle Decay

Weak Force as Pressure-Driven Particle Decay

What drives radioactive decay? Why do some particles decay quickly while others are stable for billions of years?

The weak force manifests as pressure-driven particle decay, where chunk configurations change due to imbalances between internal atomic structures and external medium pressures.

Atomic Structure and Planetary Orbits

Atomic Structure and Planetary Orbits

Why don't electrons fall into the nucleus or fly away? Similarly, why don't planets spiral into their stars or escape their orbits?

Instead of two perfectly balanced opposing forces, objects find buoyancy and equilibrium within a medium.

Gravity of an Atom

Gravity of an Atom

How does gravity manifest at the atomic scale? Why can't we unify quantum mechanics and gravity?

Atoms displace and stratify the medium, and the medium's restoration force pushes back upon atoms with an equal and opposite reaction.

Perfectly Balanced Orbits

Perfectly Balanced Orbits

With only centripetal and gravitational forces in perfect balance, why are orbits stable after being perturbed?

Stable orbits manifest as buoyant points of objects within a medium. Objects self-correct to temporary disturbances and shifting buoyancy equilibrium points.

Magnetic Field Generation

Magnetic Field Generation

Why do magnetic fields develop? What are they physically?

Magnetic fields are medium flows from high to low pressure zones. Flux lines are flows of the medium.

The Right Hand Rule

The Right Hand Rule

What is the mechanical relationship between the curvature of a coil and the direction of current through a coil create the effects of the right-hand rule?

Different species of the medium have different densities, and when they "roll" through the coil, they develop spin dependent upon the direction of roll.

High-Speed Travel

High-Speed Travel

What happens when we travel near the speed of light?

We hit a LOT of mass per second in the medium, creating drag.

Quantum Spin

Quantum Spin

What is the nature of quantum spin, especially for point-like particles?

Individual pieces of subatomic matter moving in a magnetic flow spin perpendicular to their forward travel, and interact with other matter kinetically.

Quantum Tunneling

Quantum Tunneling

How can particles pass through seemingly impenetrable barriers?

The medium is subatomic in nature, and so reconfiguration of medium's constuents shifts across permeable atomic sized gaps barriers.

The Casimir Effect

The Casimir Effect

How can "empty space" exert a force between objects?

There is no empty space; subatomic pieces of physical matter can be moved about but never created or destroyed.

The Nature of Vacuum Energy

The Nature of Vacuum Energy

Why is the vacuum energy so much smaller than quantum field theory predicts? What is the true nature of "empty" space?

Anywhere atoms don't exist, the medium's subatomic constintuents do. The medium constantly shifts, flows, oscillates, stratifies, aggregates, and disaggregates, constituting the baseline energy of the medium.

Speed of Time

Speed of Time

Why does time slow down in these conditions? What is the fundamental nature of time?

Time doesn't slow down. Objects immersed in the medium interact with the varying density medium at different altitudes and speeds through the medium.

The Hierarchy Problem

The Hierarchy Problem

Why is there such a large discrepancy between the weak and gravitational forces?

Both the weak and gravitational forces are emergent forces of the medium, and differences arise naturally in the model.

Information in Physics

Information in Physics

Is information truly conserved in all physical processes? How is it preserved in extreme conditions?

Information is preserved in extreme contexts as configurations of the subatomic medium.

The Hall Effect

The Hall Effect

What is the physical mechanism behind this transverse voltage? How does the magnetic field interact with the current?

Subatomic pieces of matter flow in the magnetic field and in the conductor. Magnetically driven pieces physically spin as they exit the magnet, and transfer kinetic energy to the electrically driven pieces.

Vacuum Energy and the Cosmological Constant Problem

Vacuum Energy and the Cosmological Constant Problem

Why is there such a massive discrepancy between the predicted vacuum energy and the observed cosmological constant? How can empty space have energy?

Space is not empty, but populated with a medium of subatomic pieces of matter that interact kinetically with each other and larger objects. The medium continually and dynamically oscillates (EM waves), flows (magnetism), bulk flows (gravity waves), and stratifies (gravity). Space is a dynamic medium.

Magnetism as Organized Chunk Flows

Magnetism as Organized Chunk Flows

What is the physical nature of magnetic fields? How do permanent magnets maintain their fields indefinitely?

Magnetism arises from pressure-driven flows and counterflows of chunks, with permanent magnets rectifying ambient chunk motions into structured, rotating flows.

Light and Electromagnetic Waves

Light and Electromagnetic Waves

How can light behave as both a particle and a wave? How do electromagnetic waves propagate through empty space?

The medium's constituents propagate waves, much like sound waves. Density differences refract light.

Atomic Stability and Chemical Bonding

Atomic Stability and Chemical Bonding

Why don't electrons fall into the nucleus? How do atoms form stable molecules?

Atoms are stable arrangements of subatomic pieces of matter surrounded by stratified spheres of matter in pressure equilibrium. Similar sphere types merge like two drops of water.

Gravity of a Planet

Gravity of a Planet

How can every atom of one body "pull" at a distance of every atom in a second body? How can action at a distance be possible?

No action at a distance, and no "pulling". The medium is displaced, stratified, and presses back in upon the displacing body.

Frame Dragging and Planetary Motion

Frame Dragging and Planetary Motion

Why do spinning massive objects "drag" space around them? What keeps planets in stable orbits and drives their procession?

Objects like the Sun stir the medium, which in turn pushes planets along.

Magnetic Attraction & Repulsion

Magnetic Attraction & Repulsion

Why do permanent magnetic like poles repel and opposite poles attract?

Magnets rectify random kinetic movements of the medium into structured flows and counterflows, and demonstrate all empirically witnessed interactions.

The Nature of Electric Charge

The Nature of Electric Charge

Why do positive and negative charges exist? What is the underlying nature of charge?

Pressure differentials between containers. Any location over or under populated from equilibrium seeks a restoration flow (magnetism), and if it cannot flow, remains unbalanced (charge).

Magnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Induction

Magnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Induction

What is the physical reality of a magnetic field? How does electromagnetic induction work?

Both magnetic fields and electric currents consist of interactive flows of subatomic pieces of matter.

Stern-Gerlach & Spin

Stern-Gerlach & Spin

How can particles like electrons possess intrinsic spin that can only take on discrete values when passing through a non-uniform magnetic field?

Magnetic flux lines represent spinning, flowing streams of subatomic mass that kinetically accelerate silver ion rotations to match.

Quantum Entanglement and Non-locality

Quantum Entanglement and Non-locality

How can particles instantaneously influence each other across any distance?

They cannot. Perceived influence is through subatomic chained medium reconfigurations in a stiff medium.

The Cosmic Microwave Background

The Cosmic Microwave Background

How did the early universe achieve such uniformity in temperature?

This is the baseline energy state of the medium everywhere, the amount of inherent thermal/kinetic vibration in the medium.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? Why can't we detect them directly?

Both are explained by the ubiquitous presence of a medium with mass. The medium is detected as gravity, magnetism, and light.

The Arrow of Time

The Arrow of Time

Why does time seem to flow in only one direction? How does this arise from time-symmetric physics?

Time's arrow emerges from medium's tendency toward more homogenous distributions.

Space and Dimensions

Space and Dimensions

Why does our universe appear to have three spatial dimensions? Are there really hidden dimensions?

The properties of 3D space emerge naturally from the medium and explain all physical phenomena.

The Emergence of Classicality from Quantum Systems

The Emergence of Classicality from Quantum Systems

How and why do quantum systems behave classically at larger scales?

Quantum behaviors in the medium average to larger scale classical behaviors of the same medium.

Apparent Atomic Clock Slowdown

Apparent Atomic Clock Slowdown

Why do atomic clocks run slower in stronger gravitational fields or at high velocities?

Variations in the medium create variations in atomic clock physical processes. Medium pressures (gravity), flows (magnetism), temperature (kinetic activity), and movement through the medium (drag) create variation in clock operations.

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