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Atomic Stability and Chemical Bonding

Copyright © 2024, Timothy Arthur Jones

Atomic Stability and Chemical Bonding

Why don't electrons fall into the nucleus? How do atoms form stable molecules?

Timothian Model's Short Answer...

Atoms are stable arrangements of subatomic pieces of matter surrounded by stratified spheres of matter in pressure equilibrium. Similar sphere types merge like two drops of water.


Atoms as stable chunk configurations:

  • Electron "shells" are stratification spheres in the chunk medium.

  • Chemical bonds form through interactions of these stratification spheres.

  • Provides a mechanical, intuitive explanation for atomic and molecular stability.

  • Explains periodic table properties through chunk medium dynamics.

Related Documents in the Full Timothian Model

The Nature of Atoms, Charge, & Chemical Bonds

The Nature of Space

The Nature of Thermodynamics

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