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Frame Dragging and Planetary Motion

Copyright © 2024, Timothy Arthur Jones

Frame Dragging and Planetary Motion

Why do spinning massive objects "drag" space around them? What keeps planets in stable orbits and drives their procession?

Timothian Model's Short Answer...

Objects like the Sun stir the medium, which in turn pushes planets along.


Frame dragging is a natural consequence of a spinning body interacting with the surrounding chunk medium. This same mechanism explains planetary orbits and procession:

  • The Sun's rotation "stirs" the chunk medium, creating a rotating flow.

  • This flow pushes planets through their orbits, explaining procession.

  • Planets find stable orbits at their "buoyant points" in the stratified medium.

Bonus Insight: This model also explains why the Michelson-Morley experiment failed to detect the medium - Earth's motion is synchronized with the local chunk medium flow.

Related Documents in the Full Timothian Model

The Nature of Space

The Nature of Gravity

The Nature of Stable Orbits

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