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Gravity of an Atom

Copyright © 2024, Timothy Arthur Jones

Gravity of an Atom

How does gravity manifest at the atomic scale? Why can't we unify quantum mechanics and gravity?

Timothian Model's Short Answer...

Atoms displace and stratify the medium, and the medium's restoration force pushes back upon atoms with an equal and opposite reaction.


Gravity emerges from chunk displacement at all scales:

  • Each atom displaces its volume in chunks, creating localized stratification.

  • Atomic gravity is a direct result of this displacement, just like larger bodies.

  • Provides a unified explanation for gravity from atomic to cosmic scales.

  • Eliminates the need for separate quantum and classical gravitational theories.

  • Explains how individual atoms contribute to the overall gravitational field of larger objects.

  • Offers a pathway to understanding quantum gravity without the need for complex mathematical frameworks.

  • Demonstrates how the same principles apply across all scales, from atoms to planets and stars.

Related Documents in the Full Timothian Model

The Nature of Chunks

The Nature of Space

The Nature of Atoms, Charge, and Chemical Bonds

The Nature of Gravity

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