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Light and Electromagnetic Waves

Inductiveload, NASA, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Light and Electromagnetic Waves

How can light behave as both a particle and a wave? How do electromagnetic waves propagate through empty space?

Timothian Model's Short Answer...

The medium's constituents propagate waves, much like sound waves. Density differences refract light.


Light as oscillations in the chunk medium:

  • No wave-particle duality needed; light is always a wave phenomenon in the chunk medium.

  • Explains interference, diffraction, and polarization through medium mechanics.

  • Provides a tangible mechanism for light propagation, eliminating action at a distance.

  • Potentially explains variations in light speed through different medium densities.

Related Documents in the Full Timothian Model

The Nature of Light and Electromagnetic Waves

The Nature of Space

The Nature of Motion

The Nature of Entropy

The Nature of Electromagnetic Asymmetry

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