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Schrödinger's Cat

Copyright © 2024, Timothy Arthur Jones

Schrödinger's Cat

The Mystery: How can a macroscopic object be in a superposition of states? What constitutes a measurement?

Timothian Model's Short Answer...

The cat is always in a definite state. "Measuring", or opening the box to observe, is simply an interaction with a subset of the chunk medium.


Eliminates the paradox through chunk mechanics:

  • No superposition of macroscopic states; the cat is always in a definite state.

  • "Measurement" is simply an interaction with the chunk medium.

  • The apparent probabilistic nature emerges from complex chunk interactions.

  • Resolves the paradox without invoking observer-dependent reality or multiple worlds.

  • Provides a deterministic, mechanistic explanation for quantum measurement.

Related Documents in the Full Timothian Model

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