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Stern-Gerlach & Spin

MJasK, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>,

via Wikimedia Commons

Stern-Gerlach & Spin

How can particles like electrons possess intrinsic spin that can only take on discrete values when passing through a non-uniform magnetic field?

Timothian Model's Short Answer...

Magnetic flux lines represent spinning, flowing streams of subatomic mass that kinetically accelerate silver ion rotations to match.


The magnetic flux lines are flows mass that make up the medium and that interact kinetically with the silver ions:

  • Magnetic fields are not static; they are flows and counterflows of spinning subatomic pieces of matter moving toward pressure equilibrium

  • Silver ions are first slowed and then accelerated to match the dominant flow it is closest to.

  • Binary electron spin is not an intrinsic form of angular momentum, but rather an emergent effect of interactions with spinning, flowing mass from the magnets.

  • Provides a simple and logical explanation of the Stern-Gerlach experiment's outcomes, and why passing the output of one S-G module into another oriented 90 degrees from the first again decelerates and then accellerates the ions in a new orientation.

Related Documents in the Full Timothian Model

The Nature of Atoms, Charge, & Chemical Bonds

The Nature of Magnetism

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