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The Michelson-Morley Experiment

By User:Stannered - Image:Interferometer.png, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The Michelson-Morley Experiment

Why didn't the experiment detect the Earth's motion through space? How does light propagate without a medium?

Timothian Model's Short Answer...

The medium is non-uniform, non-stationary, and interacts directly with larger masses. The Sun rotates the medium which rotates the Earth, so the Earth and Medium are in synchronous movement. Light requires a medium.


Reinterprets the experiment's results:

  • The chunk medium exists but moves with the Earth due to the Sun's rotation.

  • Earth and its local chunk medium are in motion together, explaining the null result.

  • Light propagates as oscillations in this co-moving chunk medium.

  • Resolves the apparent conflict between the need for a medium and the experiment's results.

  • Provides a mechanistic explanation for light propagation without violating experimental observations.

Related Documents in the Full Timothian Model

The Nature of Space

The Nature of Electromagnetic Waves

The Nature of Stable Orbits

The Nature of Chunks

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