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Magnetism Demystified: The Timothian Model’s Mechanistic Explanation of Attraction and Repulsion

Updated: May 20

If you've ever played with magnets, you know how peculiar the attraction and repulsion between them can feel!

Pointing like poles (North to North or South to South) toward each other feels like aiming two pressurized air hoses at one another, as if they're 'blowing' each other apart.

Likewise, pointing opposite poles toward each other, N to S, feels like pointing two vacuum hoses at each other, as if they're 'sucking' each other together.

In the Timothian Model, that is exactly what is happening! The central premise of the model is that all fundamental forces can be explained by the mechanics of subatomic (smaller than atoms) physical chunks of matter (link to Companion Article) Gravity, magnetism, and atomic forces each gain clarity through understanding the processes of these chunks.

By the end of this article, you might start seeing magnetism not as a fundamental force, but as a result of pressures and flows.


A permanent magnet with its north and south pole labeled.  Overlaid are larger chunks moving from south to north inside the magnet, with smaller chunks backflowing.  Larger chunks exit the north pole and travel around the magnet to the intake of the south, creating half of the flux lines around the magnet.  The smaller chunks do the same in the opposite direction.
Full Process of a Permanent Magnet

Unlike conventional descriptions of magnetism, which state that magnetic field lines are static, the Timothian Model interprets these lines as literal flows and counterflows of subatomic matter.  Physical chunks that have mass, take up space, and interact with other matter according to Newtonian laws are flowing out of the magnet.

How does this work?

Source Energy

These chunks come in different sizes and densities, all smaller than atoms. They are literally everywhere an atom isn't taking up! The secret to their ability to generate magnetism is in their varying sizes.

Every atom in motion within the universe bumps into these subatomic chunks, imparting kinetic energy to them.  They are moved by the spin of the Sun, the motions of the planets, and the oscillations from light and other electromagnetic waves. As they bump against each other and the much larger atoms, their movements are pretty random overall.

Asymmetry through Rectification

A permanent magnet can pass larger chunks from its south to north pole, while blocking them in the opposite direction. This is called "rectification" and operates like a valve that allows movement one way but blocks movement the other way. You might be able to think of this like a turnstile at an amusement park that lets you enter but not leave the same way you came.

Metal walkway with arms that only spin one direction to allow people to enter but not exit the same way.
Amusement Park Turnstile
A standard rectangular N-S permanent magnet with flux lines drawn.  Larger spheres flow into the south pole, through the magnet, and out the north pole.
Larger Chunks Can Only Flow One Way in a Magnet

At the same time, smaller chunks can slip through the magnet either way. They aren't affected by the magnet. They simply move to wherever gaps are created by the moving larger chunks. You can think of this like the air that flows behind you as you walk through the turnstile. You are too big to go both ways, but the air easily flows around you to fill the space you just left.

This can be visualized as one-way gates in the magnetic material, only flexing enough for the larger chunks to go from south to north, and blocking any reverse travel. The actual mechanism is a bit more complex, based on material science and plastic deformation, but this image effectively illustrates the effect.

A rectangular permanent magnet with flux lines drawn as a combination of blue paths from south to north and red paths from north to south outside the magnet.  Tiny gates only allow red chunks to travel inside the magnet from south to north.
A Permanent Magnet Rectifying Ambient Chunk Movements

This is how a magnet converts available kinetic movements into structured flows. The larger chunks are constantly and randomly bumping against both sides of the magnet, but can only move from south to north. This creates a "flow" within the magnet. The smaller chunks backfill the larger ones. This creates a "counterflow".

In this way, a magnet rectifies the random movements of larger chunks to draw them into the south pole and eject them out of the north pole. At the same time, the smaller chunks naturally get knocked out of the way and fill the gaps, creating a counterflow.

Forced Flows Drive Pressure Differentials

Similar to the previous image, a magnet shows an excess of larger chunks outside the north pole and of smaller chunks outside the south pole.  Each chunk species' pressure differentials are labeled, demonstrating why the chunks create the return paths that we are familiar with as flux lines.
External Pressure Differentials Drive Flux Flows

Magnetic fields involve two distinct flows: one of larger chunks moving in one direction, and a counterflow of smaller chunks moving in the opposite direction.

Once the larger chunks are outside the north end of the magnet, they encounter higher resistance outside the magnet than inside. Larger chunks pool outside, creating high pressure. They can't go back through the one-way magnet, so they flow around the magnet to the low-pressure intake side. This creates the first half of magnetic flux lines, shown in red above.

The smaller chunks are constantly being knocked out of the way and filling the gaps created by departing larger ones. This means there are a lot of smaller chunks just outside the south pole, and far fewer outside the north pole. They too flow from high-pressure to low-pressure, filling the gaps when their larger siblings move, which in this case is the opposite direction. This creates the second half of magnetic flux lines.

Interim Recap

So let's recap what we've discussed so far, and add some more technical details:

  • Magnetic fields get their inexhaustible source of energy from the random movements of subatomic chunks jostled about by every atom and wave they contact. Our Sun is our primary source of energy driving these movements in this part of space, but even the Earth's rotation, TV and radio station broadcast waves, and weather moving the air around all contribute!

  • Permanent magnets "rectify" these chunk movements, causing larger and smaller chunks to build up on opposite sides of the magnet. Flows leaving the low-resistance magnet material and entering the higher resistance air create opposing pressures outside the magnet.

  • Pressures cannot equalize back through the rectifying magnet. Given a path to do so, pressures will naturally flow towards equalization through the path of least resistance. In this case, that path is around the magnet.

  • Outside the magnet, each type of chunk flows from its own high-pressure side to the opposite low-pressure side seeking pressure equilibrium. These flows are what we call magnetic flux lines, visible when scattering iron filings around a magnet.

  • Iron filings "align" with magnetic flux lines because the chunk flows stay in the low-resistance iron as long as possible. They have inertia and momentum, and take the path of least resistance. Countless subatomic chunks moving through the iron filings shift them into alignment. Whenever one iron filing touches another, it creates an overall path of least resistance, a self-reinforcing process.

Magnetic Attraction and Repulsion Explained

With all of this in mind, let's return to how we started this journey: attraction and repulsion.

An explanation of magnetism must clarify the development of flux lines that cause attraction and repulsion. Check.

It must also explain all of the interactions between north and south poles of magnets.

Likes Repel

Let's consider when the same poles are pointed at each other first, N to N or S to S.

As shown in the two images below, in each of these cases the facing poles are ejecting the same types of chunks. This is like two air hoses pointing at each other, literal streams of the same type of matter pointed at each other. This creates a turbulent flow and high-pressure zone. The opposing flows must come all the way around from the outside and squeeze between the facing poles, wedging them apart.

In both "like" pole cases, one flow is directly blowing into its twin, and the opposing flows are wedging between the magnets to reenter. Both flows contribute to... repulsion!

Two magnets with each north pole facing each other, and their flows driving repulsion.
Flows Cause Facing North Poles to Repel

Two magnets with each south pole facing each other, and their flows driving repulsion.
Flows Cause Facing South Poles to Repel

Opposites Attract

Now let's consider when opposite poles are pointed at each other. In this case, the north pole of the first magnet is ejecting larger chunks the second magnet needs at its south pole. At the same time, the first magnet is drawing in larger chunks the second magnet is ejecting. Both magnets provide what the other is drawing in, creating a combined low-pressure between the facing magnets. This creates a laminar flow and low pressure zone. At the opposite extremes, both larger and smaller chunks flow outside of the entire system to their respective low-pressure zones. Together, the low-pressures between the magnets and high-pressures outside of the magnets drive them together. Attraction!

Two magnets with one north pole facing the other's south pole, both drawing what the other is ejecting, pulling them together as attraction.
Flows Cause Facing North and South Poles to Attract


The secret ingredients for this recipe comes can be summed up in two new concepts. First, grasping the properties and processes of the chunk medium itself, summarized in a sibling article. Second, understanding how a permanent magnet's rectification of ambient chunk movements creates both a flow and a counterflow around a permanent magnet.

To review, the Timothian Model is successful at explaining every aspect of basic magnetism mechanistically.

An active ambient chunk medium provides the source energy for the 'inexhaustible' fields generated by a permanent magnet.

A magnet's material properties allow it to be altered into a discretionary chunk rectifier, channeling the random kinetic motions into structured flows and counterflows inside the magnet.

Outside the magnet, the created pressure differentials flow naturally toward equalization, visualized through iron shavings or Gauss meters as familiar flux paths.

Distinct species between flows and counterflows interact by either turbulence or laminar flows between facing magnet poles, explaining all combinations interactions, North to North, South to South, and North to South.

Related Topics

As we shift our thinking from magnetic flux lines being static - to being actual flows of chunks having volume, density, inertia, and momentum, we can begin to understand magnetic interactions with other materials and fields more clearly.

I will be creating additional extracted articles related to magnetic interactions with strongly attracted metals (ferromagnetic) and weakly repelled materials (diamagnetic), as well as electromagnetic interactions. Hint: Everything can be understood in terms of mechanistic resistance, pressures, and flows! For example, magnetic induction into wires takes on a whole new perspective when a constant chunk flow across a wire creates a constant pressure within that wire...


I hope this article has 'attracted' your interest!

In the Timothian Model, magnetism is not a fundamental force, but rather an emergent property involving the rectification of random ambient chunk movements into pressures and flows. These flows interact with each other and everyday materials in predictable ways.

As you observe magnets in your daily life, notice how the Timothian Model offers a concrete, intuitive way to understand their behavior and interactions with each other, materials, and conductors.

Remember, a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) must challenge conventional thinking to reconcile gravity, magnetism, and atomic forces. Understanding magnetism as pressure-driven chunk flows is a key step in seeing the big picture and a precursor to understanding electromagnetic waves, as well as interactions between magnetic flows, gravity, and light.

I encourage you to read the other overviews and if you are so inclined, my more detailed work in "GUT Check - The Timothian Model Unifying Gravity, Magnetism, and Nuclear Forces." I'm excited to hear your constructive feedback!

You can find more overview articles on and react to my complete works on my website,

Timothy Arthur Jones

Copyright (c) 2024, All rights reserved.

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